Are You Looking for Quail/TetarBatair Meat and Eggs?





Are you interested in Quails Eggs, quailsmeat? Get in Touch with us at: www.QuailFarms.Live

Quail Farms is a unit of M/S FITNESS FOODS ENTERPRISES, Hyderabad,T.S.INDIA. We are into the field of production, marketing and supply chain of Quail Live Stock, Dressed Birds to Our Major Clients and Customers in and around Hyderabad. We Produce Quails, Supply its Meat and Eggs to Major Restaurants, Caterers and Regular Clients in Hyderabad. We also undertake bulk orders for export and functions. For More information and details feel free to contact us at : +91-040-24442211 or Whatsapp us at: +91-9989669261 Visit us Website at: www.QuailFarms.In

For Site/Farm Visit You can book an appointment at:- Visit Our Farms

Quails Farms is a unit of Fitness Foods Enterprises,Hyderabad,T.S.INDIA. We are into the business of Fitness Foods, Wide Range of Soya Bean Products and We have our own Quail Farms, Fish Farms and Goat Farms.

At this website which is Exclusively made for Products and Services of Quails Live Birds Wholesale and Retail Business. We offer Live Quails, Freshly Dressed Quails, Ready to use Quails, Quails Eggs and Variety of Specially Made Quail Dishes, Like Quails Biryani, Quails BBQ, Quails with Gravy, Roasted Quails, Quails Eggs Kababs and many more dishes !

8-4-120/1/2, “HIGHWAY PLAZA,


Website : www.QuailFarms.In


Phone: (+91-040-24442211 – WhatsApp: 9989669261

Mobile: +91 99323 92279
+91 9126913763

Friends, today we are going to introduce all of you to a farmer who has been doing quail farming for years and is making very good profits and is doing this business very well, friends, it has been said that any kind of work is not small, provided you need to do it diligently. We met a quail foster farmer in this way. We tried to let him to show how he reared quail and what precautions have to be taken.
In this video, he also tell about all the precautions and how quail farming will be done profitably in a short span of time, he also told friends, if you want to follow quail or start quail rearing at a small level, then through this video today you will get this information that Which way should quail be reared so that there is good profit and we will get a farmer from hyderanad who shared his experience with you.
If you want to follow quailfarming then you need to get a good knowledge from an experienced person. So this farmer from hyderabad is good for quail farming Experienced people, you can talk to them and start your own farm.





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Quail farming, also known as coturniculture, can offer several benefits for farmers and individuals interested in poultry farming. Here are some of the key benefits of quail farming:

  1. Space-Efficient: Quails are small birds, so they require less space compared to larger poultry like chickens. This makes quail farming a viable option for individuals with limited land or backyard space.
  2. Rapid Growth and Early Maturity: Quails have a short incubation period and reach maturity relatively quickly. They start laying eggs at around 6-8 weeks of age, which means quail farmers can start generating returns on their investment in a short period.
  3. High Egg Production: Quails are prolific layers and can produce a significant number of eggs throughout the year. Some quail breeds can lay up to 300 eggs per year, making them a good source of income from egg sales.
  4. Nutritious Eggs: Quail eggs are smaller than chicken eggs but are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and protein. They are considered a delicacy in many cultures and can fetch a higher price in the market.
  5. Efficient Feed Conversion: Quails have a high feed conversion rate, meaning they can convert the feed they consume into body weight and egg production more efficiently than some other poultry species. This can result in lower feed costs for the farmer.
  6. Low Startup Costs: Compared to larger poultry farming ventures, starting a quail farm requires relatively low initial investment. This makes it accessible to small-scale farmers and individuals interested in a poultry project with lower financial risks.
  7. Disease Resistance: Quails are generally hardy and resistant to common poultry diseases when provided with proper care and hygiene. This can reduce the need for extensive veterinary interventions and medications.
  8. Multiple Product Options: Quail farming offers various potential revenue streams, including the sale of eggs for consumption, hatching eggs for other farmers or breeders, and selling live quails for meat.
  9. Environmental Impact: Quails have a lower environmental impact compared to larger livestock. They produce less waste and require fewer resources, making them a more sustainable option for poultry farming.
  10. Diversification: For existing poultry farmers, adding quail farming to their operations can diversify their income sources and reduce reliance on a single poultry species.

It’s essential to note that successful quail farming requires proper knowledge of quail care, suitable housing, and nutrition. Like any farming venture, it comes with its challenges and requires diligent management to ensure the health and well-being of the quails and the profitability of the enterprise.


While it’s challenging to list 100 specific benefits of quail meat, as it could become repetitive, I can certainly outline numerous advantages and qualities that make quail meat desirable for consumption.


Here are some of the benefits of quail meat in your diet:

Nutritional Benefits of Quail Meat and Eggs:-

  1. High protein content: Quail meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, essential for muscle development and repair.
  2. Low in fat: Quail meat is generally lean and contains less fat compared to other meats, making it a healthier option.
  3. Rich in vitamins: Quail meat is a good source of various vitamins, including B-complex vitamins like B12 and B6, which are essential for metabolism and energy production.
  4. High mineral content: Quail meat contains minerals such as iron, phosphorus, and zinc, important for various bodily functions.
  5. Low calorie: Quail meat is relatively low in calories, making it suitable for weight-conscious individuals.

Health Benefits: 6. Supports muscle development: The high protein content aids in building and maintaining muscle mass.

  1. Promotes bone health: Quail meat’s mineral content, including phosphorus, supports bone strength and development.
  2. Boosts immune system: Nutrients in quail meat can contribute to a stronger immune response.
  3. Aids in cell repair: The protein and vitamins in quail meat play a role in cellular repair and regeneration.
  4. Supports healthy metabolism: B-complex vitamins help regulate metabolism and energy production.

Culinary Benefits: 11. Delicate flavor: Quail meat has a unique, delicate taste that appeals to many palates.

  1. Versatile: Quail meat can be prepared in various ways, including grilling, roasting, sautéing, and frying.
  2. Quick cooking time: Due to its small size, quail meat cooks faster than larger poultry or meats.
  3. Gourmet appeal: Quail dishes are often considered gourmet or exotic, making them ideal for special occasions and fine dining.

Ethical and Environmental Benefits: 15. Sustainable: Quails have a lower environmental impact compared to larger livestock animals.

  1. Space-efficient: Quails require less space for raising, making them suitable for small-scale farming.
  2. Shorter life cycle: Quails reach maturity quickly, reducing the time from hatching to harvesting.

Cultural and Culinary Tradition: 18. Historical significance: Quail has been a part of the human diet in various cultures for centuries.

  1. Culinary diversity: Different cultures have unique and flavorful quail recipes.
  2. Part of celebrations: Quail dishes are often served during festive occasions and celebrations.

Special Dietary Considerations: 21. Suitable for restricted diets: Quail meat can be included in various dietary plans, such as low-fat or high-protein diets.

  1. Allergen-friendly: Quail meat is not a common allergen and can be a suitable alternative for those with specific food allergies.

Unique Qualities: 23. Exotic appeal: Quail meat offers an adventurous and unique dining experience.

  1. Elegant presentation: Quail dishes are often presented beautifully, adding visual appeal to meals.

Please note that while quail meat has numerous benefits, like any food, it should be consumed as part of a balanced diet, and individual dietary needs may vary. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to determine what’s most suitable for your specific dietary requirements.

benefits of quail eggs might be repetitive and impractical, but I can certainly highlight numerous advantages and qualities that make quail eggs a valuable addition to your diet. Here are some of the benefits of consuming quail eggs:

Nutritional Benefits:

  1. High nutritional value: Quail eggs are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
  2. Rich in protein: Quail eggs contain all the essential amino acids required by the body.
  3. High-quality protein: The protein in quail eggs is easily digestible and absorbed by the body.
  4. Low in calories: Quail eggs provide a good amount of nutrients without a significant calorie load.
  5. Rich in vitamins: Quail eggs are a good source of vitamins A, B2 (riboflavin), B12, D, and E.
  6. Abundant minerals: Quail eggs contain minerals like iron, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium.
  7. Choline content: Choline in quail eggs is essential for brain function and cell membrane health.

Health Benefits: 8. Boosts immunity: The nutrients in quail eggs can support a healthy immune system.

  1. Promotes brain health: Choline and other nutrients in quail eggs contribute to cognitive function.
  2. Supports eye health: Vitamin A in quail eggs is beneficial for vision.
  3. Cardiovascular health: Quail eggs may have positive effects on heart health due to their nutrient content.
  4. Regulates blood pressure: The potassium in quail eggs may help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
  5. Helps in anemia prevention: Iron in quail eggs can aid in preventing iron deficiency anemia.
  6. Antioxidant properties: Quail eggs contain antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative stress.

Dietary Advantages: 15. Suitable for various diets: Quail eggs can be included in many dietary plans, including low-carb and high-protein diets.

  1. Allergen-friendly: Quail eggs are less likely to cause allergies compared to chicken eggs.
  2. Alternative for egg allergies: Individuals with egg allergies may tolerate quail eggs better.

Culinary Benefits: 18. Versatility: Quail eggs can be prepared and used in a variety of dishes, both savory and sweet.

  1. Decorative element: Quail eggs add an elegant touch when used for garnishing dishes.
  2. Ideal for appetizers: Quail eggs are the perfect size for bite-sized appetizers and hors d’oeuvres.

Special Dietary Considerations: 21. Suitable for portion control: Quail eggs’ small size makes them ideal for portion control and calorie management.

  1. Suitable for children: Quail eggs can be a nutritious addition to a child’s diet.

Ethical and Environmental Benefits: 23. Sustainable option: Quails require less space and resources compared to chickens.

  1. Quails are not usually factory-farmed on a large scale.

Cultural Significance: 25. Culinary tradition: Quail eggs are a part of traditional cuisines in various cultures.

  1. Symbolic value: In some cultures, quail eggs hold symbolic or ritual significance.

Unique Qualities: 27. Exotic appeal: Quail eggs offer a unique and interesting alternative to chicken eggs.

  1. Aesthetic appeal: Their small size and speckled shell make them visually appealing.

Please note that while quail eggs have numerous benefits, they should be consumed as part of a balanced diet. Additionally, if you have any specific dietary concerns or allergies, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet.

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