Best 100% pure Aloe Vera products Maker Company in the world. It is running since 1978 for more than last 35 yrs. It is established more than 135+ countries. Company makes all processes by itself from cultivation up to finished products.

It provides Nutrition Products, Healthcare Products, Skincare Products, Weight Management Products, Personal care Products and Bee Products.

It provides also good business opportunities for bright future.


Quality Certified

Forever Living is committed to bringing you the best products. By this, we mean more than just effective products. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and we actively seek out external certifications to prove that to you. 

Look for these certifications on our products:

1.      International Aloe Science Council
2.      PETA Cruelty Free
3.      Islamic Seal of Approval
4.      Kosher
5.      Halal
6.      Paraben Declaration
7.      Gluten Free


Forever Fields of Green (Code: 068)
Forever Kids (Code: 354)
Forever Absorbent-C (Code: 048)
Forever Nature-Min (Code: 037)
Forever Gin-Chia (Code: 040)
Forever Garlic-Thyme (Code: 065)
Forever Echinacea Supreme (Code: 376)
Forever Vision (Code: 235)
Forever Ginkgo Plus (Code: 073)
Forever Arctic Sea (Code: 376)
Forever Lycium Plus (Code: 072)
Forever CardioHealth (Code: 312)
Forever Active Probiotic (Code: 222)
Forever Nature’s 18 (Code: 271)
ARGI+ (Code: 320)

Personal Care:

Aloe Lips (Code: 022)
Forever Hand Sanitizer™ (Code: 318)
Avocado Face & Body Soap (Code: 284)
Ever-Shield Deodorant (Code: 067)
Tooth gel (Code: 028)
Styling Gel (Code: 194)
Gentleman’s Pride After Shave (Code: 070)
Aloe Hand & Face Soap (Code: 038)
Aloe Jojoba Conditioning Rinse (Code: 302)
Aloe Jojoba Shampoo (Code: 360)
Bath Gelée (Code: 014)
Aloe First Spray (Code: 040)
Relaxation Shower Gel (Code: 287)
Sonya Hydrate Shampoo (Code: 349)
Sonya Hydrate Conditioner (Code: 350)
Relaxation Massage Lotion (Code: 288)
Forever Aloe MPD 2x Ultra (Code: 307)
Relaxation Bath Salts (Code: 286)
Women 25th Edition (Code: 208)
Men 25th Edition (Code: 209)
Aroma Spa Collection (Code: 285)

Bee Products:

Forever Bee Pollen (Code: 026)
Forever Bee Honey (Code: 207) 
Forever Bee Propolis (Code: 027) 
Forever Royal Jelly (Code: 036) 


Forever Aloe Vera Gel (Code: 015) 
Forever Aloe Berry Nectar (Code: 034) 
Forever Pomesteen Power (Code: 262) 
Forever Bits n’ Peaches (Code: 077) 
Forever Freedom (Code: 196) 
Forever Aloe2Go (Code: 270)
Forever Freedom2Go (Code: 306)

Weight Management:

Forever Garcinia Plus (Code: 071)
Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein – Vanilla (Code: 324)
Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein Chocolate (Code: 325)
Forever Lean (Code: 289)

Skin Care:

Sonya Aloe Deep – Cleansing Exfoliator (Code: 278)
Deep Moisturizing Cream **NEW ITEM** (Code: 311)
Sonya Aloe Balancing Cream (Code: 280)
Aloe Purifying Cleanser (Code: 277)
Sonya Aloe Refreshing Toner

Frequently Asked Questions (For India)

 Q: How do I become a Distributor?
A: The easiest way to join is to contact the distributor who told you about this company.  Sponsor ID is 910004380288 and Name is Hitesh Suthar.

Q: Does it cost anything to join?
A: No, all you need a Distributor Application form from the office or your sponsor will provide you with one. This needs to be submitted to our office with a minimum purchase order.

Q: What is the minimum purchasing order?
A: There is a Rs. 1,000/- minimum order for all distributors for product purchases only.

Q: Can I return products?
A: Distributors can return defective product within 30 days of the date of purchase. Retail customers can return product for any reason within 30 days from the date of purchase. See Company Policies, section 3, for more details.

Q: What is a case credit?
A: Case credits are the units by which we measure sales volume. The products are assigned case credit values, and these values are accumulated as the product is purchased to determine level move-ups and qualification for various Distributor incentives.

Q: What is the earning potential of a Forever Living Distributor?
A: The earning potential is really up to you. Some Distributors work the business part-time to help supplement their income, while others work the business full-time earning substantial incomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (Other Country)

o    Q: How do I become a Novus Customer?
o    A: The easiest way to join is to sign up using our online Join Now system. Distributor sponsor ID is 910004830288.

o    Q: How do I become a Wholesale Qualified Distributor?
o    A: As a Novus Customer, order a total of 2 case credits personally, within 2 consecutive months.

o    Q: Does it cost anything to Join?
o    A: No, joining Forever Living is completely free.

o    Q: What is the minimum purchasing order?
o    A: There is a $100 minimum order for all Novus Customers and Wholesale Qualified Distributors.

o    Q: Can I return products?
o    A: Wholesale Qualified Distributor can return defective product within 30 days of the date of purchase. Novus Customers can return product for any reason within 30 days from the date of purchase. See Company Policies, section 3, for more details.

o    Q: What is a case credit?
o    A: Case credits are the units by which we measure sales volume. The products are assigned case credit values, and these values are accumulated as the product is purchased to determine level move-ups and qualification for various Distributor incentives.

o    Q: How much is a case credit worth?
o    A: A case credit is worth approximately $140 Wholesale, $170 Novus Customer Pricing and $200 Retail.

o    Q: What is the earning potential of a Forever Living Distributor?
o    A: The earning potential is really up to you. Some Distributors work the business part-time to help supplement their income, while others work the business full-time earning substantial incomes.

Best 100% pure Aloe Vera products Maker Company in the world. It is running since 1978 for more than last 35 yrs. It is established more than 135+ countries. Company makes all processes by itself from cultivation up to finished products.

It provides Nutrition Products, Healthcare Products, Skincare Products, Weight Management Products, Personal care Products and Bee Products.

It provides also good business opportunities for bright future.

Own a Home-Based Business with No Risk and Unlimited Potential for Wealth

Forever Living Products is structured as a multi-level marketing company, otherwise referred to as an ‘MLM.’ This structure is designed to let you be our marketing and sales force. Instead of spending thousands of dollars in standard advertising methods, we pay you to share Forever Living Products with others. This MLM structure offers you many benefits that traditional businesses can’t match.
Own your own business

You are in charge of your own destiny. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do actually benefits you. You’ll enjoy the freedom and flexibility of owning your business—not to mention excellent tax benefits.

Residual Income.

Perhaps the greatest benefit that our multi-level marketing strategy offers is lasting income. You will always earn commissions on the Distributors you introduce to Forever Living, continually reaping the benefits of your hard work.

Forever Living Marketing Plan 

At Forever Living Products, success is simple. Share our exclusive, innovative wellness products and financial opportunity with others, and earn residual income that gives you financial security for life.


How it works

You’ll start your very own home-based business with proven, consumable products in an established, growing industry. Forever Living Products supplies the structure and support for your business. You supply the enthusiasm. 

Your success as a Forever Living Distributor is secure. Once you achieve any position in the marketing plan, you’ll stay there. You’ll also enjoy the success of your team. Their success is your success, too!

We are committed to your success 

Everything in our business plan is designed for your achievement. We provide world-class training, fabulous incentives, and frequent recognition meetings. We minimize your paperwork and product inventory so you can spend your time where it really matters—with your customers. With a better trained, highly motivated Distributor team, your business grows steadily, earning you more income and getting you closer to your dreams. 

You have to make 1+3cc to become eligible for volume bonus. It means 1CC in your ID and 3CC in your new distributor’s ID remains from team purchase in consecutive two months.


Not All Businesses Are Created Equal

Forever Living Products is a company with a proven track record that shows integrity with every business decision. While there are other companies that claim to offer similar opportunities, it’s important to understand what makes a successful multi-level marketing company. Look for these important business practices:

Quality Product

 Innovative, quality products speak of the credibility of the company—and you as a Distributor. Look for a market leader with a proven track record.
No Pass-Ups

Nobody in your down line should ever be promoted above you. A promotion for them should be a promotion for you too.   

Financial Stability

Steady growth is a strong indicator of a successful future. Review growth charts and sales figures for the entire life of the company.


Look for a company with at least a 5-year track record of growth and strong management. Forever Living has over a 30 year track record of success. 

Consumable Products

An active customer base is critical to a successful home-based business. This can only be built with quality consumable products.

Extensive Support Network

Your success represents the success of the company. A good company will offer excellent training, seminars, incentives, and a support center.

International Presence

A company with an international presence demonstrates stability, growth, and ample industry experience. 


You can tranfer your distributor ID with whole right and benefits to another person above 18Yrs old.

Quality Certified

Forever Living is committed to bringing you the best products. By this, we mean more than just effective products. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and we actively seek out external certifications to prove that to you. 

Aloe Vera “Miracle Plant”


Rich Source Of Vitamins And Minerals: Both the aloe juice and gel are powerhouses of antioxidants, antibiotics, work as stimulator of cell growth and have scar and pain inhibitor properties. They are rich in the following vitamins and minerals:

1.    Calcium
2.    Sodium
3.    Iron
4.    Potassium
5.    Manganese
6.    Zinc
7.    Folic acid
8.    Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E
9.    Amino acids

Aloevera is the most bioactive of all aloe species. There are more than 75 active constituents in the plant, this includes, polysaccharides like acemannan, anthraquinoes like barbaloin, enzymes, lignin, saponins and salicylic acids.

Aloevera gel can be used for its laxative properties. Sometimes the aloevera gel and the entire leaf are used to treat ulcerative colitis, metastatic cancer, infectious disease and chemotherapy treatment.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Health:

1. Digestive Cure:

Aloe Vera is very useful for curing bowel problems due to its high anti-inflammatory properties. Aloevera also helps in the growth of good bacteria in the gut, this keeps all digestive disorders at bay.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: Rheumatoid Arthritis is an auto-immune disease which affects the entire body. The immune system attacks the body tissues, especially, the membranes lining the joint. There is inflammation and stiffness. There is fluid buildup in the joints that makes the matter worse. Since, rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease; the patients generally have conventional drugs like painkillers, non-steroidal drugs and corticosteroids. These medicines have a harsh impact on health.

Whereas, having aloe juice for two weeks can help reduce inflammation in the body like rheumatism, inflammation of ears and eyes and arthritis. Aloe juice contains anti-inflammatory compounds like plant sterols that help to reduce the pain and stiffness to a great extent. The plant sterols function like the steroid painkillers, without causing any harm to body.

3. For Muscle and Joint Pains: Applying the gel externally can ease muscle and joint pains. But do not forget to use freshly prepared gel.

4. For Heart Reflux: Having severe digestive problems? Drink Aloe Vera juice as it reduces symptoms of heart reflux and stabilizes the alkaline levels of the body. It has soothing effect on the stomach walls and reduces heart burn and discomfort. Due to its laxative properties it also treats constipation.

5. Reduces Cholesterol Level: Aloe is great for maintaining the cholesterol level by reducing triglycerides. Include fresh Aloe juice in your daily diet to maintain your cholesterol level and increase the level of good cholesterol. By reducing cholesterol you are protecting your heart from damage.

6. Healthy Weight Loss: You must have taken slimming tablets or tried all the exercises and diets to lose weight. However, you didn’t get the desired results. Do you want to lose weight naturally? Aloevera juice is the easy and natural weight loss solution. It reduces weight by stabilizing the metabolic rate, reducing lipid levels and helping burn fat.

7.For Dental or Oral Hygiene: Studies have shown that regular consumption of aloe juice improves oral health and hygiene. It reduces gingivitis and plaque formation. It provides a relief for cold sores and mouth ulcers.

Washing the mouth with aloe juice improves the oral hygiene. A study from the Journal of Indian Society of Period ontology reveals that the local application of aloevera juice improves the periodontal health post dental procedures like root canal and scaling. Another study from the Journal of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine shows that aloe juice helps to reduce oral lichen plan us, a common dental problem.

8. Fights Diabetes: Aloe Vera is good for diabetes patients because it helps to regulate the blood sugar levels when consumed regularly. However, consult your doctor before you start consuming the aloe juice. You need to have the dose prescribed by doctor so that it doesn’t interfere with the medicines you have to curb blood sugar.

9. Helps to Detox: Mix 2 teaspoons of fresh Aloe Vera juice with 1 glass of water and drink it every day early in the morning. This will help detoxify and cleanse your system. Aloe juice helps to treat ulcers and detoxify the digestive system.

10. Maintains Gum Health: Applying fresh aloe gel directly to the gums reduces the pain and inflammation. Since, oral hygiene affects overall health, it is important to curb gum bleeding and inflammation. If gum bleeding is due to bacterial infection, aloe juice helps to fight infections and makes your mouth clean and fresh. No doubt, so many toothpaste and mouthwashes are made of aloevera extracts!

11. Reduces Eye Irritation: Create your own natural eye wash with Aloe Vera gel. Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe gel in a cup of water. You can also add a teaspoon of boric acid. Use this eye wash to reduce the reddening and irritation in the eyes.

12. Relieves Sinus and Chest Congestion: Suffering from constant sinus problems? Now ditch your medicines and try the natural option. Aloe Vera is rich in magnesium lactate that works as an antihistamine which helps in reducing the problem of sinus and chest inflammation due to various allergies.

13. Anti-Carcinogenic: The regular intake of the aloe juice helps to fight cancer. It contains high level of anti-carcinogenic properties that hinder the growth of tumors.

14. Builds Immunity: Drinking aloe juice regularly replenishes the amino acid deficiency in your body. The high vitamin content in it boosts up your body’s immune system and self-defense mechanism.

15. Fights Common Cold and Cough: Those who suffer regularly from cold, coughs, flu, stuffy nose, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders, Aloe Vera juice is the best natural solution. The Vitamin C content of aloe vera juice ensures protection from common colds that occur with environmental changes.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Skin: Aloe Vera is suitable for all skin types including highly sensitive skin. You must have seen and used various skin care products which contain the Aloe gel. It is the most common remedy for all skin problems.


16. Fights Signs of Ageing: The anti-ageing property of Aloe keeps the skin supple and rejuvenated and also lightens blemishes.

17. Removes Dead Cells and Stretch Marks: Aloe Vera moisturizes the skin and helps to remove dead cells, wrinkles and fine lines. Aloe juice also helps to remove stretch marks.

18. A Soothing Aftershave: Men can use Aloe Vera gel as an after shave. It reduces the irritation and inflammation of the skin and heals the cuts due to shaving.

19. Removes Acne and Acne Marks: Suffering from acne for a long time? Then make Aloe Vera your friend as it is the best natural remedy for curing acne and pimples and also its scars. It has antimicrobial property that helps kill the bacteria causing acne and reduces the acne marks by lightening the skin.

20. Prevents Sun Tan and Soothes Skin: All of us apply numerous sun blocks and creams to prevent harmful sun rays from damaging our skin. But the rays sometimes penetrate through them. Aloe Vera gel is highly beneficial for treating sun burns. It is an excellent cooling agent. Apply fresh gel on your skin everyday to get immediate results. It reduces the pain and the redness of the skin and forms a protective layer which reduces further damage.

21. Heals Wound: It heals cuts and wounds, dermatitis and also insect bites when applied externally.

22. For All Seasons: Aloe gel is hydrating and moisturizes the skin well. So it can be used in all weathers to prevent dry and patchy skin.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Hair: Excessive exposure to dust, sun and pollution makes your hair extremely dry, brittle and damaged. It strips your hair of all its natural oils and moisture causing split ends and dandruff. Aloe Vera is useful for all hair types, especially for dry and damaged hair. Regular uses of Aloe Vera in your hair packs make your tresses smooth, soft and damage-free. Following are some of the benefits of aloevera for your hair.


23. Promotes Hair Growth: Aloe Vera is rich in proteolysis enzymes which help to remove the dead skin which clogs the pores of the scalp, which hinders the growth of new hair follicles. Accumulation of excessive sebum on the scalp can lead to hair problems like partial baldness. So the Aloe gel removes the sebum making the scalp squeaky clean and promoting hair growth.

24. Maintains the pH Balance: Aloe Vera has alkaline properties which help to maintain the pH level of the scalp and hair. This keeps the hair moisturized and allows hair growth.

25. Reduces Dandruff: Aloe Vera is widely used for curing dandruff since the ancient times. Due to its property of enzymatic breakdown of skin cells and anti- fungal properties, it helps to reduce dandruff from the scalp. It also heals scalp diseases like psoriasis and seborrhea.

26. Hair Conditioning: You can add 2 teaspoons of fresh Aloe gel into your favorite conditioner and use it daily. This would enhance the moisturizing properties of your conditioner as it deeply hydrates your hair shafts giving you soft and smooth hair. You can also make these following hair packs for hair conditioning at home.

27. Aloe Clay Pack: ·         In the Multan mite (Fuller’s Earth) paste, add ½ teaspoon of Aloe gel.

·         Then add a few drops of rose water and honey and mix well to get a smooth paste.

·         Apply on the face and keep for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

28. Aloe Fruit Pack: ·         Blend a few pieces of your favorite fruits like papaya, banana, apple, orange etc.

·         Into this add a teaspoon of the aloe gel and mix well.

·         You can also add a teaspoon of almond oil or wheat germ oil if you have dry skin.

·         Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

29. For Dry Skin and Sensitive Skin: ·         In 2 teaspoons of aloe gel, add a teaspoon of rose water and almond oil.

·         Then add fresh cucumber paste and mix well to form a smooth consistency.

·         Apply and keep for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

This face mask also acts as an excellent scrub. It hydrates and smoothens oily skin, removing the dead cells, oil and excess sebum.

·         In a mixing bowl, add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and cucumber paste.

·         Into this, add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and mix well to from a smooth paste.

·         Gently scrub in circular motions.

·         Now lie down for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

30. Green Tea Mask: This face mask is especially beneficial for women with pre-mature ageing. Green tea and Aloe are rich in antioxidants that help to fight free radicals and reduce signs of ageing.

·         Mash ¼th avocado pulp and cucumber puree in a bowl.

·         Into this add a teaspoon of the Aloe gel and green tea water.

·         Mix well to form a paste and apply on the skin. Keep on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

31. Moisturizing Mask: Shea butter has excellent hydrating and moisturizing properties. It is an essential ingredient in various creams and lip balms.

·         In one teaspoon of aloe gel, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and Shea butter.

·         Mix and mash all the ingredients, for a nice smooth paste.

·         Apply and leave the mask on for 20 minutes and wash with cool water.

·         This face pack is ideal for dry and sensitive skin people.

·         In 2 teaspoons of besan (gram flour), add curd and one teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel.

·         Mix well to from a smooth hair pack and apply on hair.

·         Rinse off after 30 minutes with a mild shampoo.

32. Cleansing Pack: ·         In 2 teaspoons of besan (gram flour), add curd and one teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel.

·         Mix well to from a smooth hair pack and apply on hair.

·         Rinse off after 30 minutes with a mild shampoo.

33. For Soft Hair: ·         In 3 teaspoon of Aloe gel, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and coconut oil.

·         Massage onto the scalp and keep for 20 minutes.

·         Wash off your hair with a shampoo.

·         In a blender, add the Aloe gel and a handful of hibiscus leaves. You can also add the flowers for better results.

·         You will get a smooth green paste. Apply this on the root and hair strands and leave it for 30 minutes.

·         Wash with shampoo. You may also have to shampoo your hair twice to remove this hair pack.

34. Hibiscus Pack: You can also apply fresh Aloe gel directly on the scalp and wash off after 20 minutes with mild shampoo. It work wonders for your hair giving you soft, smooth and healthy hair.

Best 100% pure Aloe Vera products Maker Company in the world. It is running since 1978 for more than last 35 yrs. It is established more than 135+ countries. Company makes all processes by itself from cultivation up to finished products.

It provides Nutrition Products, Healthcare Products, Skincare Products, Weight Management Products, Personal care Products and Bee Products.

It provides also good business opportunities for bright future.

It is approved company by International Aloe Science Council Seal in 1981.

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